Legal Fact Sheets
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Legal Fact Sheets
We have developed Fact Sheets to help people in the community understand their rights in relation to aged care services. If you would like to know more, please contact us.
When can physical force be used to restrict the movement of an aged care resident?
Fact Sheet for the Public: Use of Physical Force as a Means of Restraint in Residential Aged Care in Victoria
Fact Sheet for the Legal Community: Information on Physical Restraint
Educational Video on Physical Restraint
Watch our video on the requirements of using physical restraint.
When can a mechanical device be used to restrict the movement of an aged care resident?
Fact Sheet for the Public: Use of a Mechanical Device as a Means of Restraint in Residential Aged Care in Victoria
Fact Sheet for the Legal Community: Information on Mechanical Restraint
Educational Video on Mechanical Restraint
Watch our video on the requirements of using mechanical restraint.
When can medication be used to manage a resident's behaviour?
Educational Video on Chemical Restraint
Watch our video on when medication can be used as chemical restraint.
Can you be banned from visiting an aged care resident?
The below fact sheets will provide information on whether you can lawfully be restricted from visiting an aged care resident, the role of the aged care facility, and what you can do about it.
Each State and Territory has specific laws on this matter, see below for the relevant jurisdiction.